This past week Amy and I had the opportunity to attend Moody's Senior Retreat. We weren't sure about going at first, but after seeing that it was a relatively cheap getaway with excused absences from class, we decided to go on the retreat. The retreat itself was pretty mellow. There weren't really any responsibilities or requirements of us and so it was a perfect opportunity to get a breath of fresh Wisconsin air (the first Wisconsin air for both Amy and I). So we packed our backpacks and got on the bus. The retreat itself was located at Green Lake Conference Center, which is
Midwest's imitation of Hume Lake. Despite being sub-par to Hume,
it was still a sweet place to be. Anyways, we left at 7 a.m. on Thursday
morning and rode the four hours to Green Lake. We got to ride in
charter buses, which was a nice travel break from cramped Southwest
Riding the bus! |
One of the highlights for the retreat was that a bunch of guys from my dorm floor came. These were all guys that I spent a lot of time with pre-getting married. Amy knows all of them pretty well, so we all had a great time. It was really fun to hang with all of them, catch up, and play some games throughout the weekend. We had time to talk about the good ol' days on Culby 12 as well as make some new memories.
Culby 12 reunion with wives, fiances, and girlfriends. |
Not bad for only one try of the 'jumping' picture. |
Kyu and Adam...1st and 2nd Mates. |
Another highlight was the opportunity to use some wedding gifts. Until last Wednesday night when we packed our awesome backpacks still had their tags on them. However, we broke them out and packed them up and made everyone jealous of the "outdoorsy" looking couple on the retreat. Another good wedding gift that got some use this weekend was our hammock. We finally got straps for it and can use it virtually anyone with two trees. I had a pretty sweet setup next to the lake.
I recommend reading John Steinbeck here. |
Touchdown pass for the water polo player. |
All in all, Amy and I were glad that we went on the retreat. I think one of the best things about the retreat was that we had an opportunity to press pause on the semester...which we did and paid for it in homework these last couple of days. Still though, we had some great opportunities to pray together, read God's Word, talk about spiritual things, and have time to rest. It was something we needed and something that we really enjoyed.
And on that note, I end.
"Oh, no! We have to do homework still." |