This is us at our oh so classy JSB (Junior Senior Banquet) thrown by Mother Moody. We felt it necessary to do a very classy prom pose in case you couldn't tell. We're very fancy.
This is Mitchell and Julianne with us, They're engaged and getting married on July 1st, in California! that means we get to go :) we love them.
Me and Julianne were really enjoying all the attention. Jeremy felt jealous though. He wanted to be in on it too.
The boys were enjoying themselves too. This is some of Jeremy's close guy friends from the kitchen. He endearingly calls them his crew. From left to right it's Micah, Keese, and Mitch. Don't worry all you mothers out there, that was only soda in their hands. Mother Moody would never serve alcohol at her parties.
It was actually a lot of fun getting all dressed up and eating a nice meal. they had a photo booth there as well, spent plenty of time in that thing. It was just fun to be with friends and look nice while acting goofy.
Each with their match, how cute, and what an akward pose, who chose that?
In the mean time only a few weeks later we got a visitor. Well actually we had visitors right before this also, but that is one of the designated posts that Jeremy wants to write about :) But this visitor was my favorite one. My sister came. The majority of the trip was mostly about the food. But why not when the food in Chicago is so good. Here's us at Elly's pancake house, one of our favorite breakfast places in the city. Really cute decore. we pretty much go there for every group event with the friends it's a pretty busy place and is open 24 hours!
We went to the zoo one day, just cruzed through after going to an indoor farmers market. The zoo in chicago is really big and it's free, it's one of the major perks of the city. It's right down town too off lakeshore, it seems super out of place but it's really fun that way.
It's not a lama but it will do...
Having her here was a great treat for us. We did some sight seeing but mostly hung out, and had sleep overs. It was too short if you ask me.
This is our easter. Here is the easter bunny. He brought me easter flowers.
Jeremy has this thing for taking easter pictures every year. So here we are in our kitchen/bedroom (haha) On easter afternoon.
We were given a super fun treat for Christmas, tickets to the Dodgers Cubs game at Wriggly Field. We were super excited Wriggly Field is always really fun for us.
You can't tell but we were all decked out. We both had our dodgers shirts on and hats. We were very brave. Luckily we saw a lot of people sporting dodgers gear.It was a lot of fun. Super cold but totally worth it. Dodgers won! Which made it even more exciting. We can only root for the Cubs when they're not playing the dodgers. That's what Jeremy says. :)
Well that's it for now. Currently we just finished up our finals and are all done with school! Mostly... we have to pack a ton and move our stuff out to our friends Michael and Brittany who are letting us store stuff in their attick for the summer and stay with them for a few nights until our flight leaves because the boys who are subletting from us have to move in saturday. It's going to be a whirlwinD!
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