The bench we were engaged by |
It took us a while to get the kite in the
Our day in ITasca was totally relaxing. Everything we could have wanted it to be. We did a lot of little things around this time at the beginning of our break as well. We really spoiled ourselves in terms of food. I took Jeremy with me to Trader Joes on shopping day and he gets quite excited there. We cooked a lot in the BIG kitchen we were so blessed with and actually watched a lot of movies in the evening because they had a TV at their house (which we don't, that's how we like it). But it was a unique little treat. I maybe went over board on the cooking band wagon making pico de gallo, granola bars, mini cupcake tarts, and many other yummy treats. I couldn't help myself with so much counter space and some great cooking supplies. Although she didn't have a kitchen aide, I must say thanks to our uncle Time and aunt Marie Helene we really have it made when it comes to mixing things :)
We'll I'm beat. We have some good friends out visiting that we've been spending all our free time with touring the city and eating great food. In fact we just got back from eating dessert in a restaurant on the 96th floor of the Hancock Tower with a great view of the night lights of the city. Lots of laughs this weekend that's for sure. It's been so good to have them here. But one things for sure it makes us miss our families even more. We're so ready for a summer in California. Recently a skype a week hasn't even been enough. We really miss all of them and can't wait for our grand reunion. Although My sister is coming in only a matter of weeks!!! That is exciting for sure.
My eyes are drooping so I will say until again when we bring you another piece to the heart of our spring break.
Makes me smile |
Love it when I come here and there is a new post!!!