Tuesday, September 28, 2010

600+ and No Blogging

Lack of blogging....homework, lots of it. Amy and I want to apologize for the lack of blogging recently. We seem to have hit a hump in the semester, where all of our classes and due dates coincide with each other, resulting in some late nights and early mornings.

In particular, I had the opportunity to read a 600 page book for my Historical Theology class. It was quite the challenge, as I attempted to finish it in about a week. I read it everywhere...in between class, on the train, at home, on the way to class, all the time. (Amy didn't like the book because I was always distracted by it.) I did finish it and managed to squeeze out a review on it too. I really liked the book and learned quite a bit from it. Roger Olson, the author, writes the history of Christian theology in story format sort of making all the key theologians characters within the grand scheme of God's plan of salvation for mankind. He scrutinizes all of the major events throughout history and breaks them down to show the major doctrines, creeds, and standpoints that have been established throughout history. I would definitely recommend it.

As for Amy, I'm not sure what she's been doing. Not really, she gladly switched me teaching dates so that way I could teach in our Teaching the Bible Practicum class this week. She did a great job. She also had lots of homework, but the last thing Amy would want to share on our blog would be about her homework.

1 comment:

  1. Reading a 600+ page book in one week is impressive i must say Jeremy...
